Direct Push for survey and remediation

We perform exploratory and remediation work using direct-push technology, which allows us to easily and quickly gather data on contamination localization and the properties of the rock environment while efficiently applying remediation media.

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Lower cost per meter

Compared to conventional drilling methods, the direct-push technology is simpler and faster, which not only saves time but also significantly reduces overall costs.

Samples from precise depths

We can collect soil, water, and soil air samples from accurately defined depths of the rock environment and, if needed, arrange for their accredited analysis.

Immediate results on site

Basic information about lithology, environmental permeability, the nature of contamination, and its spatial distribution within the rock environment is immediately available directly at the site.

Lower consumption of remediation agents

We inject remediation media (oxidants, reductants, nutrients, buffers) precisely where the contamination is located, thereby reducing the amount used.

Direct investigation exclusively with us

We are the only Czech company equipped with drilling rigs and additional accessories from the American company Geoprobe, specialized in drilling technologies for remediation surveys and the injection of remediation agents, particularly in the so-called direct investigation methods.

Ondřej Lhotský

Project manager

What Direct Push technologies enable

  • Significantly faster core sampling – at approximately half the cost compared to conventional drilling.
  • Targeted sampling of groundwater and air from any desired horizons.
  • Installation of monitoring wells with an internal diameter of up to 51 mm.
  • Installation of injection wells for the pressurized application of remediation agents.
  • Direct Push injection of remediation agents in the form of solutions or solid suspensions.
  • Direct Push pneumatic fracturing of the rock environment combined with the injection of sand suspensions and remediation agents – the so-called Frac-In technology.
  • Exploratory work using direct investigation methods MIP, OIP, HPT, and their combinations.
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Direct investigation methods

We use Direct Push in combination with tools known as Direct Sensing Tools, which are designed for mapping and obtaining information about contamination as well as other properties of the rock environment in real time.
These methods allow us to directly monitor the rock environment during drilling operations, independent of analytical laboratories.

We can map:

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Injection without the need for permanent wells

We apply remediation media in liquid or solid form (e.g., for chemical oxidation and reduction, to support biological processes, or to neutralize acidic groundwater) to the precise depth where contamination is located. This results in reduced material and operational costs and greater remediation efficiency.

Direct Push injection involves driving hollow rods with an injection tip into the rock environment. Once the desired horizon is reached, the selected remediation agent is injected into it.

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EPA Certification

All investigative technologies from Geoprobe are certified by the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and form the foundation of a new approach to investigating and remediating contaminated sites, known as High Resolution Site Characterization. This method is primarily used in exploratory work in the United States and is also gaining popularity in Western Europe.

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Do you have a question or would you like to order our services right away?

We’ll be happy to answer your questions and prepare a tailored solution for you. Please fill out a simple form, and we will contact you within 24 hours.

You can also reach us by phone: +420 235 522 252
or via e-mail at

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