Survey contaminated site

We conduct surveys of contaminated and potentially contaminated sites. We provide everything as a turnkey solution – data research, site reconnaissance, drilling works, sample collection and analysis, as well as evaluation of the results.

man in helmet collecting samples from soil

Any location

We examine locations with contamination of the rock environment (soils, groundwater, and surface water), and we also ensure the collection of samples from building structures and waste.

Collection of all types of samples

We provide drilling and sampling of soil, groundwater, and soil air. For direct investigation, we have Geoprobe equipment available, which can evaluate data on-site.

Fast evaluation

We operate our own laboratory and conduct field and accredited laboratory analyses, as well as assessments of health and ecological risks resulting from contamination.

Proposal of the most suitable measure

Taking into account the conditions of the specific site, we will recommend a remediation intervention that minimizes all risks at an acceptable cost and within the required timeframe.

We identify the source of risks to human health and ecosystems 

Through geological and ecological survey methods, we detect contamination caused by systematic or accidental releases of harmful substances from industrial processes and other activities.

Radek Červinka

Project Manager

We can determine

  • Specific harmful substances and their concentration
  • The source of contamination
  • The extent and depth of contamination
  • The potential spread in the environment and the threat to the surrounding area
  • Quantification of contamination
  • The costs of site remediation
equipment for assessing the degree of contamination

We can help when you are dealing with

  • Property transfer (mainly concerning industrial, agricultural, and other areas)
  • Determining the severity of the impacts and consequences of human activity (for public administration)
  • Assessing environmental damage and liabilities
    Securing grants from EU funds
woman writing on a tablet

We will conduct a tailored contamination survey for you

Depending on the specific situation, we will carry out either a standalone survey or an environmental audit, risk analysis, and feasibility study, and prepare the necessary documentation for site remediation. All documents are processed according to the valid methodology of the Ministry of the Environment.

Environmental audit

We will identify the ecological burden of the site and assess the degree of its hazard to the surroundings.  We will also propose an appropriate course of action to eliminate the impact of this burden on the environment. 

Risk analysis

We assess existing and potential risks of contaminated areas on various components of the environment and human health. We also focus on possible future threats that could arise if the contamination spreads or if the land use changes.

We will determine methods and procedures that will ensure the mitigation or elimination of the impact of environmental risks on the environment and human health.

Feasibility study

As part of the process of eliminating the hazardous condition of a contaminated site, we will prepare a feasibility study, which will serve as a basis for selecting a corrective measure, forming the foundation for the actual project.

We will assess various remediation options from both a technical and economic perspective, and based on the conditions of the specific site, we will propose the most suitable remediation procedure and technologies to be used.

Environmental monitoring

We conduct short-term and long-term monitoring of the condition of various environmental components, primarily groundwater and surface water in contaminated sites.
We assess their hydrochemical, bacteriological, and ecotoxicological values.

We also monitor the effectiveness of implemented corrective measures and, if necessary, propose additional measures.

We also perform

  • Water quality testing and hydrogeological modeling
  • Geotechnical (pre-construction) survey
  • Asbestos inspection services
  • Determination of the radon index of land (PDF)
equipment for assessing the degree of contamination


Would you like more information?

Are you interested in contaminated site survey or do you have a question? Fill out a simple form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

You can also reach us on the phone: +420 235 522 252
or via e-mail at

Your personal data is safe with us

What else we can help you with

We also provide drilling services and brownfield revitalization.


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