Supporting competitiveness in Cambodia

Enhancing the competitiveness and marketing of "Constructed Wetlands" technology in Cambodia.

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Client: Czech Development Agency
Nerudova 3, 118 50 Praha 1
Czech Republic


Country: Cambodia

Implementation period: 4/2018 - 11/2020

Completion date: November 2021

Contract value: 240,000 $

More about the project

The project is implemented under the B2B program issued by the Czech Development Agency. Its goal is to create favorable conditions for the business plans of IPR Aqua, s.r.o. and DEKONTA, a.s. in Cambodia, particularly in the field of constructed wetlands (CWs).

In the first phase of the project (2018), preparatory work was carried out for the installation of a pilot CW at the Children’s Protection Center in Siem Reap. Project documentation was prepared in both English and Khmer to obtain the necessary construction permits.

In the second year (2019), a CW system with a capacity for 35 connected users was built at the Children’s Protection Center. Since September 2019, the CW has been undergoing a one-year trial operation, with evaluation planned for 2020.

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