Safe demolitions and dismantling work

We handle demolitions of industrial and agricultural complexes, factories, bridges, chimneys, and other buildings. Depending on the specific structure, we select the most suitable technological process, obtain demolition permits, process and remove all debris, and prepare the site for new use.

A chimney being prepared for demolition

Any building type

We specialize in demolitions of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, and mixed structures of any scale. We also carry out demolitions of hard-to-access structures.

Recycling of building materials

We have mobile crushing equipment, which we transport to the site to process masonry or concrete into recycled material for further use.

Eco-friendly disposal of hazardous materials

We can decontaminate construction and demolition waste contaminated with hydrocarbons at our bioremediation sites.

We carry out demolition work and land adjustments with respect for environmental protection

We also ensure the prevention of all potential environmental risks. Hazardous materials such as asbestos or various chemicals are handled in a way that prevents their spread to the surrounding area.

Michal Vašek

Michal Vašek

Managing Director of DEKONTA Demolice, s.r.o.

Mechanical demolition where space conditions allow

For mechanical demolition work, we use hydraulic demolition shears and breakers mounted on heavy construction machinery. If space permits, this technology can be applied to all of the following types of structures:

  • Reinforced concrete, concrete, brick, and mixed structures, including foundations
  • Steel structures
  • High-rise buildings and chimneys
  • Bridge structures
A reinforced concrete structure undergoing demolition

Gradual demolition using small machinery

If heavy demolition equipment cannot be used and manual dismantling is not feasible due to time constraints, we proceed with gradual demolition of the structure using small machinery (e.g., mini excavators). This method is suitable for densely built-up areas, inaccessible structures, or high-rise buildings. It is primarily used for: 

  • Demolition of parts of buildings
  • Interior dismantling work
  • Demolition of high-rise structures
  • Demolition of steel structures
A mini excavator in the process of demolition

Demolition of structures below the waterline

Our machinery is equipped with a special auxiliary circuit that allows the use of hydraulic breakers underwater. This is utilized, for example, in the demolition of bridge piers in watercourses.

Heavy machinery performing demolition under water

Selected projects

Copa Center Národní undergoing demolition

Copa Center NárodnĂ­ - Quadrio 

Demolition of the metro vestibule and escalator tunnel at the Národní třída station in Prague

K2 bolier room in Kladno-Dubí undergoing demolition

Demolition of boiler house K2, including technologies

Demolition of the pump station and boiler house building, along with associated administrative buildings in Kladno-DubĂ­.

Rustonka in Prague 8 undergoing demolition

Rustonka administrative and commercial center

Demolition of the boiler house, including the chimney and administrative buildings in Prague 8.

Heavy machinery

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Vrtná souprava ZIF 650 M

Vrtná souprava ZIF-650M je urÄŤena pro jádrovĂ© i bezjádrovĂ© rotaÄŤnĂ­ vrtánĂ­ s kapalinovĂ˝m vĂ˝plachem. MaximálnĂ­ počáteÄŤnĂ­ prĹŻmÄ›r vrtánĂ­ je 425 mm, maximálnĂ­ hloubkovĂ˝ dosah 500 m pĹ™i vrtnĂ©m prĹŻmÄ›ru 112 mm. Je osazena hydraulickĂ˝m roztáčeÄŤem pro povolovánĂ­ tyÄŤĂ­.

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Vrtná souprava HVS 497

StĹ™ednĂ­ vrtná souprava na ocelovĂ©m pásovĂ©m podvozku urÄŤená k hloubenĂ­ bezjádrovĂ˝ch vrtĹŻ pomocĂ­ ponornĂ©ho kladiva prĹŻmÄ›ru 123 mm aĹľ 254 mm. Vybavena pažícĂ­m systĂ©mem do prĹŻmÄ›ru 325 mm. MoĹľnost osazenĂ­ soupravy spodnĂ­m i vrchnĂ­m preventrem. Vhodná pro hydrogeologickĂ© a sanaÄŤnĂ­ vrty, tepelná ÄŤerpadla.

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Vrtná souprava HVS 09/WIRTH B2

Vrtná souprava HVS – 09 je stĹ™ednÄ› těžká rotaÄŤnĂ­ vrtná souprava urÄŤená pro vrtánĂ­ prĹŻzkumnĂ˝ch, hydrogeologickĂ˝ch, sanaÄŤnĂ­ch vrtĹŻ a vrtĹŻ pro tepelná ÄŤerpadla. MoĹľnost vrtánĂ­ “na sucho” a na kapalinovĂ˝ ÄŤi vzduchovĂ˝ vĂ˝plach

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Vrtná souprava WIRTH B1A

MultifunkÄŤnĂ­ vrtná souprava vybavená hydraulickĂ˝m kladivem s vestavÄ›nou moĹľnostĂ­ rotace a dále oddÄ›lenou rotaÄŤnĂ­ hlavou pro spirálovĂ© vrtánĂ­.

PomocĂ­ soupravy je moĹľnĂ© odebĂ­rat neporušenĂ© vzorky zemin penetraÄŤnĂ­m zpĹŻsobem, provádÄ›t spirálovĂ© vrtánĂ­, instalovat hydrogeologickĂ© vrty a ĂşzkoprofilovĂ© monitorovacĂ­ sondy/piezometry, odebĂ­rat vzorky podzemnĂ­ vody a pĹŻdnĂ­ho vzduchu, aplikovat metody přímĂ©ho (tzv. direct-push) prĹŻzkumu – MIP, CPT, jakoĹľ i injektovat sanaÄŤnĂ­ roztoky do horninovĂ©ho prostĹ™edĂ­ v rámci sanace in-situ.


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We are happy to answer your questions and prepare a tailored solution. Please fill out a simple form, and we will contact you within 24 hours.

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