Removal of old environmental burden

Removal of old environmental contamination at the site of the former ICEC – Šlapanice.

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Client: Town of Ĺ lapanice
Masarykovo náměstí 100/7
664 51 Ĺ lapanice


Country: Czech Repoublic

Implementation period: 5/2019 - 11/2023

Contract value: 5,415,369 €

More about the project

As part of this project, we conducted a preliminary environmental survey, which included preparatory and design work, followed by the development of project documentation for implementation, including obtaining the necessary permits and conducting a structural assessment of surrounding buildings.

We carried out ex-situ remediation, which primarily involved the demolition of contaminated buildings and structures, excavation work, removal of contaminated materials, construction of remediation drainage systems for pumping equipment, and the relocation of electricity, water, and gas. Additionally, we performed in-situ remediation, including groundwater pumping and disinfection.

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