Remediation of petroleum contamination in Moldova

Remediation of a former military base adjacent to Mărculeşti Airport, Moldova, which served as a military airfield during the Soviet era.

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Client: Czech Development Agency
Nerudova 3, 118 50 Praha 1
Czech Republic


Country: Czech Republic

Implementation period: 11/2016 – 6/2021

Completion date: June 2021

Contract value: 113 875 €

More about the project

A significant environmental issue arose at the former military base next to Mărculeşti Airport, which functioned as a military airfield during the Soviet era. Leaks from fuel tanks, faulty pipelines, and careless handling of kerosene transport technologies led to severe groundwater contamination.

Extensive work had already been carried out under the Czech Official Development Program, including a detailed site investigation, risk assessment, and the initiation of remediation efforts in the Lunga municipality. This project focused on providing continued technical support and supervision of remediation activities to ensure progress in contamination removal.

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The project aimed to facilitate the effective continuation of remediation through new exploratory and monitoring wells, the design and implementation of additional remediation measures, and the evaluation of environmental and health risks. Activities also included the development of methodological guidelines, the organization of training sessions, and the expansion of remediation efforts, including the installation of pumping wells and the extension of work until November 2020. These measures were designed to minimize long-term risks to the environment and public health in the affected areas.

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We provided

  • Detailed site investigation, including geophysical and hydrogeological surveys, sampling, and laboratory analysis

  • Drilling of new remediation and monitoring wells

  • Design and implementation of remediation measures

  • Environmental and health risk assessment and proposal of follow-up actions

  • Development of methodological guidelines and organization of a series of training sessions

  • Expansion of ongoing remediation activities by installing new pumping wells and extending work until November 2020

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More photos from the project

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