Czech Republic/Orlova

Remediation and rehabilitation of the Vaclav mining dump, and former tar plant, in Orlova, Czech Republic


site investigatioon, remediation, recultivation, excavation, pump & treat, groundwater

Project description

Within this project the site of former abandoned, more than 100 years old coal mine and tar factory

Type of services

DEKONTA was responsible for the following tasks:
  • detail site investigation to prove extent and level of contamination
  • human health and environment risk assessment development
  • technical design for the site clean up and rehabilitation development
  • excavation and final disposal of app. 24 000 tons of soil contaminated with PAHs
  • Groundwater treatment (pump&treat) and monitoring
  • Identification and static security of the old mining tunnel


Czech Republic/Orlova

Value of the contract

5,369,800 USD

Staff functions

Jan Vanek - Project Manager


DIAMO, státní podnik, OZ ODRA
Máchova 201, 471 27 Stráž pod Ralskem
Czech Republic

Contact person

Ms. Janina Zawadzka
tel: +420 596 703 111


Jan Vaněk, MBA
Head of Environmental Projects Division and Member of the Board of Directors