
Predisposal monitoring of the Radiana site - Hydrogeological monitoring & Geochemical analyses


hydrogeological investigation, remote monitoring system, geochemical analyses, drilling, sampling, blader pumps, vadose zone monitoring, soil testing

Project description

The Radiana site in Bulgaria has been selected as the preferable location for the construction of the Bulgarian National Disposal Facility for low and intermediate level short-lived radioactive waste. The Radiana site is located adjacent to the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant near the south bank of the River Danube which forms the northern border of Bulgaria with Romania.

Type of services

The main activities carried out within the project were as follows:
  • hydrogeological monitoring design
  • drilling works, monitoring system construction
  • monitoring system operation



Value of the contract

280,000 EUR

Number of staff provided by DEKONTA

75 staff-months

Staff functions

Jan Kukacka - Project Manager


State Enterprise for Radioactive Waste
Sofia 1797
52A G. M. Dimitrov Blvd., fl. 6

Contact person

Ms. Irena Stefanova
E-mail: ira.stefanova@dprao.bg


Jan Vaněk, MBA
Head of Environmental Projects Division and Member of the Board of Directors