Hargia site, Mongolia

Remediation of waste water treatment sludge and landfill construction at Hargia site, Mongolia


solid waste management, risk assessment, landfill, heavy metals, wastewater treatment sludge, capacity building, chromium VI

Project description

Funded by the Czech Development Agency under the official cooperation between the Czech Republic
and Mongolia had three main objectives:

  • Site survey at former waste water pre-treatment station for leather processing factories and hospital where a large amount of contaminated sludge waste deposited.
  • Feasibility study and Risk Assessment study for site clean up and waste disposal
  • Construction of a new landfill following the EU standards, site clean up, waste deposition at the new landfill, landfill closure and rehabilitation including installment of the monitoring system.

Type of services

The main services performed by DEKONTA were:

  • Identification of a total of total 20 000 m3 of solid waste at the site (including contaminated sludge contained hexavalent chromium, contaminated constructions and soil, as well as significant amount of municipal waste).
  • Identification of human health and environmental risks (local inhabitants and workers of the waste water pre-treatment station, nearby river and the ecosystems linked to the river)
  • Feasibility study concerning the site clean up and solid waste and hazardous waste disposal was done.
  • Identification of the most suitable solution for the waste disposal (Landfill)
  • Detail Design of the landfill construction and construction permit.
  • Construction of a sealed landfill dedicated for the sludge and other waste from Hargia site
  • Closure and rehabilitation of the landfill
  • Installation of a soil and groundwater monitoring system


Mongolia / Ulaanbaatar

Value of the contract

807,262 EUR

Number of staff provided by DEKONTA

36 staff months

Staff functions

Vojtech Musil - Project Manager


Czech Development Agency
Nerudova 3, 118 50 Praha 1

Contact person

Mr. Frantisek Zouhar
Tel: +420 251 108 171


Jan Vaněk, MBA
Head of Environmental Projects Division and Member of the Board of Directors