Mongolia 1
Transfer of know-how related to remediation of environmental burdens in Mongolia
Klíčová slova
hotspots database, contaminated sites, capacity building, mongolia
Popis projektu
The main aim of the project was the transfer of specific know-how for the management of contaminated sites to Mongolia. Within the project implementation a new, integrated GIS database was developed and provided first data of selected contaminated sites.
Typ služeb
The main services performed by DEKONTA were the following:
- Desk study review an identification of environmental hotspots
- Creation of a database of contaminated sites
- Prioritization of the sites according to the human and environmental risks
- Site investigation of the highest priority sites
- Elaboration of guidelines for the remediation of the sites
- -Capacity building
Hodnota zakázky
550,000 USD
Počet zaměstnanců DEKONTA
45 staff-months
Funkce zaměstnanců
Vojtech Musil - Project Manager
Czech Development Agency
Nerudova 3, 118 50 Praha 1
Nerudova 3, 118 50 Praha 1
Přidružení konzultanti / subdodavatelé
Kontaktní osoba
Jan Vaněk, MBA
Head of Environmental Projects Division and Member of the Board of Directors
Head of Environmental Projects Division and Member of the Board of Directors