Reducing emissions from the processing industry in Turkey

Training, assessment, and reduction of PCDD/F emissions in the processing industry in Turkey.

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Client: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation Wagramer Strasse 5
 A-1220 Vienna, Austria


Country: Turkey

Implementation period: 8/2016 - 2/2018

Completion date: February 2018

Contract value: 231,050 $

More about the project

This project was implemented for UNIDO as part of the initiative "POPs Legacy Elimination and POPs Emission Reduction Project." The objective was to reduce emissions of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and other hazardous substances in Turkey's processing industry. Key project activities included providing expert training and conducting technical measurements in industrial facilities.

As part of the project, training sessions were conducted on sampling and analysis of U-POPs and PCDD/Fs in industrial stack emissions. An inventory of emissions in the steel and non-ferrous industries was also carried out. The project involved assessing facilities, identifying opportunities to implement Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) to reduce U-POPs emissions. Based on the analyses, measures and technologies were proposed for emission minimization, followed by control measurements after implementing these measures.

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We provided

  • Expert training and workshops
  • Measurement of PCDD/F, mercury, flue gases, and operational parameters
  • Determination of U-POPs emission factors for the iron, steel, and non-ferrous industries
  • Facility assessments
  • Design of mitigation measures
  • Sampling and emission level analysis before and after BEP/BAT implementation
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More photos from the project

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