Recycling of solar panels

We perform safe and ecological treatment of all parts of discarded solar panels on our recycling line in Kralupy nad Vltavou.

Solar pannels on a recycling line
2 000 tons

of recycled panels every year

84 %

of recycled material, which we repurpose ourselves

2 years

of development and testing prior to our operation launch in 2024

We belong to the leaders of development and research

Modern technology

We developed and assembled the recycling line ourselves. We designed all our processes in such a way that they minimize environmental damage and regain valuable materials for further use.

Material sustainability

We deliver glass, aluminium, silver, silicon and other materials to our partners who use them to make glass containers, aluminium components or electrical appliances.

Zero emission operation

Each and every step of the recycling process - from sorting, disassembling all the way to material pulverization - are performed mechanically, without producing any emissions and being mindful of the environment.

With our recycling process, we reuse up to 85% of the involved materials, saving the environment and mineral resources.

Thanks to recycling we gain valuable materials. The most valued one is black mass, which contains a high concentration of metals such as lithium, cobalt, nickel or manganese and which can be reused in batteries. Other materials include iron, copper or aluminium. Polluted plastic can be used to produce power.

Adam Titěra

Project Manager

We acquired the WEEELABEX certicicate

We follow norms and all legal requirements regarding sorting, storing, transportation, preparation for further use, treatment and elimination of electronic waste. Thanks to that, our recycling line meets all the demanding criteria of the international organization WEELABEX, which listed us among their processors.

We recycle more than the law requires

According to the EU directive no. 2012/19/EU it is obligatory to recycle 80% of the solar panel's mass. Only 20% of the total weight may be treated as waste. We are able to recycle 84% and we are even planning on increasing the number in the future.

solar panels in the process of recycling


Would you like more information?

Are you interested in solar panel recycling or do you have a question? Fill out a simple form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

You can also reach us on the phone: +420 235 522 252
or via e-mail at

Your personal data is safe with us



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