Consulting services, audits, and assessments

We provide consulting services related to the design, implementation, and operation of projects, and we prepare analyses, studies, operating regulations, or flood plans.

man recording data into a document

Team of specialists from various fields

We offer a comprehensive perspective from technologists, biotechnologists, chemists, geochemists, hydrogeologists, and engineers.

Knowledge of legislation and law

We are well-versed in the legal regulations and requirements of the Czech Republic, the European Union, and other international organizations.

Turnkey documentation

We gather all necessary information and prepare various types of documents, including all the required details.

We provide project supervision

We offer independent expert oversight during the implementation of environmental projects, such as wastewater treatment plants or site remediation.

Jméno a příjmení

Jméno a příjmení


We take care of


We conduct detailed audits in accordance with the requirements of applicable Czech legal regulations and the standards of the EBRD and the World Bank in the areas of environmental protection, occupational safety (OSH), health protection, and social impacts.

Analyses and risk assessments

We provide comprehensive analyses of environmental and health risks for contaminated sites in accordance with the methodology of the Ministry of the Environment. We also assess risks and prepare detailed reports in accordance with Act No. 167/2008 Coll. on the prevention and remediation of environmental damage.

woman offering consultation to a man

We offer consulting

  • During the implementation of integrated management systems (QMS + EMS + OHSAS) or standalone management systems for quality (ISO 9001), environmental management (ISO 14001), and occupational health and safety (ISO 45001).

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Twoje dane są u nas bezpieczne

What else we can help you with

We handle waste management, ensure its transportation, reprocessing into usable raw materials, recycling, and disposal. Additionally, we provide services such as remediation of contaminated sites and participate in development cooperation projects.


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