Kim jesteśmy

Jesteśmy czeską firmą świadczącą usługi środowiskowe od 1992 roku. Obecnie działamy nie tylko w Europie, ale także w Azji, Afryce i obu Amerykach.

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Ponad 10 000 projektów na 5 kontynentach


zrealizowanych projektów rocznie

Każdego roku realizujemy setki projektów skoncentrowanych na ochronie środowiska, a łączna liczba dostarczonych przez nas rozwiązań przekracza 10 000.


lat doświadczeń

Jesteśmy prywatną czeską firmą o międzynarodowych kwalifikacjach, działającą na rynku od 1992 roku.


członków zespołu

Posiadamy duży zespół doświadczonych inżynierów, biologów, geologów, konsultantów i innych specjalistów.


krajów na całym świecie

Działamy w Czechach, Polsce, Słowacji, Rumunii, Serbii, Niemczech, Holandii, Bośni, Gruzji, Kuwejcie i innych krajach.

Environmental services from A to Z

We provide complete environmental services to our clients who include international development and financial institutions, governments, municipalities, and private investors in industries such as manufacturing, construction, agriculture, and others.

We own over 50 patents and industrial designs

Our research and development department is among the most active in the Czech Republic. Every year, we handle more than ten research projects in collaboration with Czech universities and institutions, international companies, and other organizations.

We have successfully completed projects under the EUROSTARS program, framework programs (FP6, FP7), and NORWAY GRANTS projects. These efforts often result in patents and industrial designs. Our goal is to apply the research results in practice, which we have successfully achieved in many cases.

Alena Pospíšilová

Alena Pospíšilová

Head of research and development

We operate worldwide

We bring expertise and innovative approaches wherever we are needed.

Our projects

Thanks to our technological expertise and experience in managing international projects, more and more clients from various parts of the world are reaching out to us. We have completed dozens of projects in countries such as Romania, Georgia, Kuwait, Moldova, Germany, Slovakia, Poland, the Netherlands, Israel, and Turkey.

Company headquarters

The company’s headquarters is located in Dřetovice, where we also have a microbiological laboratory and a research and development department. Additional offices are located in Prague, Ostrava, Pardubice, Ústí nad Labem, Kralupy nad Vltavou, and Slaný. Our subsidiaries operate in Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.

Business representation

We have business representation in Albania, Armenia, Belgium, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Croatia, Italy, Israel, Jordan, Canada, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Hungary, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Mongolia, Germany, Nigeria, the Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA, and new locations are continuously being established.

We have the necessary technical facilities and all the required equipment

16 bioremediation centers

16 bioremediation centers

Places where waste such as soil or concrete is treated or processed to improve its properties and allow for further handling.


Chemical laboratory (Ústí n. Labem), microbiology laboratory (Dřetovice) and technological laboratory (Slaný).
Mining and construction machinery

Mining and construction machinery

Trucks, tankers, excavators, drilling rigs, high-pressure WAP, equipment for the investigation and remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater.
Equipment for emergency response

Equipment for emergency response

Breathing apparatus, motor boats, oil containment booms, mobile detectors, response vehicles, equipment for technical work in explosive atmosphere zones.

We are a responsible company

Integrated management system

We have obtained ISO 9001 certification – Quality Management System (QMS), EN ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System, and ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

ISO 17025

We meet the international standard for testing and calibration laboratories, which proves that we operate a quality management system and that we are competent and capable of achieving technically valid results.


We are on the list of processors for the WEEELABEX organization – we comply with standards related to the collection, sorting, storage, transportation, preparation for reuse, processing, and disposal of electronic waste.

Responsible Care

We implement corporate social responsibility through a voluntary initiative of the global chemical industry, which focuses on health, safety, and the environment.

You can view our certificates, attestations, annual reports, and other related documents here.

Company management

Dekonta Holding

The holding includes twenty companies, such as DEKONTA CBRN, IPR AQUA, DEKONTA IC, Dekonta Demolice, and others.


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