Optimization of the waste management system in Sarajevo

Our goal was to support the local waste management company, KJKP RAD Sarajevo, in improving its capacity for solid waste management.

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Client: People in Need
Šafaříkova 635/24
120 00, Praha 2
Czech Republic


Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Implementation period: 10/2021 – 12/2023

Completion date: December 2012

Contract value: 227,240 €

More about the project

The project focused on enhancing the organizational structure, optimizing operations, and increasing the company’s ability to efficiently collect and sort waste. Our approach included an analysis of the recycled materials market and the development of specific plans to optimize individual processes.

We provided

  • Organization and implementation of training activities in waste management
  • Identification of areas for efficiency improvement within the company’s organizational structure
  • Development of an optimization plan for waste collection routes
  • Enhancement of waste collection and sorting capacity
  • Assessment of the market potential for recycled materials
  • Preparation of specific waste management plans for selected locations
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