National inventory of contaminated sites

Development of a national inventory of contaminated sites

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Client: CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency, Vršovická 1442/65, 100 10 Prague 10, Czech Republic


Country: Czech Republic

Implementation period: 1/2019 - 12/2021

Completion date: December 2021

Contract value: 3,341,506 €

More about the project

We facilitated the development of a national inventory of contaminated sites, covering defined areas with contamination or potential contamination of the geological environment caused by human activities.

This process encompassed the entire territory of the Czech Republic, organized according to sub-regional administrative divisions. The inventory included staff training, mapping, quality control of outputs, and data collection during visits to archives, authorities, and institutions, as well as fieldwork, including thematic map analysis.

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As part of the project, we verified and validated data stored in the central database, conducted primary analyses of individual areas, assessed priorities, and prepared final documentation. Our objective was to create a comprehensive database to enable efficient management of contaminated sites in the future.

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