Measurements and analysis at a power plant in Indonesia

PCDD/PCDF and relevant parameter measurements and analysis at Suralaya Power Plant, Block 6, Indonesia.

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Client: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
 Vienna International Centre
 P.O Box 300
 A-1400 Vienna,Austria


Country: Indonesia

Implementation period: 2/2015 - 8/2015

Completion date: August 2015

Contract value: 21,073 $

More about the project

This project, funded by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), was part of a broader regional initiative titled "Demonstration of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) in Fossil Fuel Power Plants and Industrial Boilers in Response to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)." The primary goal of the project was to collect data necessary to assess the effectiveness of implemented technologies and practices for reducing emissions of dioxins, furans, and mercury at the Suralaya Power Plant in Indonesia.

The project involved comprehensive emission measurements and operational parameter analysis, which provided valuable insights into the environmental impact of the implemented technologies. Activities included sampling flue gases, ash, and coal, measuring key operational variables such as temperature, pressure, and gas composition, and conducting laboratory analyses focused on mercury, chlorine, and PCDD/PCDF content in the samples. These efforts contributed to a better understanding of the effectiveness of the measures and to fulfilling the goals of the Stockholm Convention.

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Our contributions

  • Measurement of PCDD/PCDF and mercury in flue gases
  • Sampling and analysis of coal, bottom ash, and fly ash
  • Measurement of operational parameters: temperature, pressure, gas velocity and flow rate, oxygen content, moisture, CO, COâ‚‚, SOx, NOx, and particle concentration
  • Coal analysis for mercury and total chlorine content
  • Fly and bottom ash analysis for PCDD/PCDF content
  • Laboratory analyses and monitoring of environmental parameters
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More photos from the project

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