Indirect thermal desorption

Indirect thermal desorption is a remediation and waste treatment technology suitable for eliminating volatile/semi-volatile organic compounds. The contaminated material is heated up to the temperature exceeding boiling point of pollutants present in the material. Vaporized contaminants (together with dust and generated water steam) are exhausted from the desorption chamber, de-dusted and finally condensed, thermally destructed by catalytic oxidation.

The main difference from direct thermal desorption is the indirect heating of the contaminated material which is more environmentally friendly and also less expensive in terms of investment and operational costs.

Treated soil could be reused after the treatment process.

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Description of technology

The capacity of our indirect thermal desorption plant (ITD-2) is up to 2 tons of treated soil per hour. It is speciafically designed as a modular equipment which can be easily modified for any specific application. It consists of the main parts as follow:

  • Soil feeding unit that includes a soil feeder bin (2 m3), a
    vibratory scalping screen, a screw conveyer and a screw

  • Thermal desorption unit comprising a double-shell rotary dryer (inner diameter 1,6 m, length 8,0 m), two oil / gas burners, flue gas exhaust system and treated solids cooling and discharging system

  • Air de-dusting unit comprising dust cyclones, a dust filter, quenching system (for cooling air steam down) and a radial fan

  • Modular air treatment system including one or more of the following units (according to the project-specific needs) such as condensing unit, catalytic oxidizer, high-temperature oxidizer, air scrubber, dioxin control unit.

  • Control room, nitrogen generator and backup electric power unit (diesel generator).

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Some technical parameters  

  • Soil treatment temperature is up to 550 °C

  • Heat power of burners: max. 2 x 775 kW

  • Size of treated material: max. 50 mm

  • Necessary minimum area for plant installation: 30 x 30 m

  • Mobile unit with overall one 40” container and eight 20” containers

  • Total electrical input power: 85 - 110 kW (depending on designed air treatment system)

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We can check the suitability first

Each client has a specific soil or waste that needs to be processed. At Dekonta, we provide tailor-made solutions that allow you to verify that our equipment meets your requirements.

We can carry out washing tests on your material in our process laboratory - just send us your samples.


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Would you like more information?

Are you interested in our soil washing plant or do you have a question? Fill out a simple form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

You can also reach us on the phone: +420 235 522 252
or via e-mail at

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