Gas storage adsorber bed replacement

We carried out the comprehensive replacement of the active bed material in the adsorbers at the underground gas storage facility.

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Country: Slovak Republic

Implementation period: 8/2022

Completion date: December 2021

Contract value: 3,341,506 €

More about the project

As part of this project, we handled all the steps involved in the replacement of the active material in the adsorbers. This included preparing a specific work procedure and providing expert management of the replacement process. Due to technical requirements, it was necessary to dismantle and reassemble certain parts of the technology in the adsorbers, which included extracting and sorting the supporting and active layers of the bed material. After this phase, we safely filled the adsorbers with new layers of functional material, thus restoring their optimal function.

Given the specific conditions of the project, some tasks were carried out in a non-breathable atmosphere, for which we provided respiratory equipment and continuous air composition monitoring in the work area. To ensure worker safety, rope access techniques were used for working at heights. Additionally, a remote air supply system was utilized to ensure safe breathing.

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We provided

  • Preparation of the work procedure for the bed replacement

  • Extraction and sorting of the supporting and active layers of the bed material

  • Dismantling and reassembly of certain parts of the technology in the adsorbers

  • Filling the adsorbers with new layers of functional material

  • Work in a non-breathable atmosphere using respiratory equipment

  • Continuous air composition monitoring

  • Use of rope access techniques for work at heights

  • Remote air supply for breathing

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