Environmental emergency response services

24 hours a day 

Anywhere in the Czech Republic

Free consultation

Dispatch within 30 minutes

Nonstop emergency hotline 
+420 602 686 622

  • Our control centre is here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

  • As soon as you call, our dispatcher will promptly assess the situation and arrange a dispatch of a specialized team based on the type of emergency.

  • We guarantee a dispatch within 30 minutes of receiving information about the emergency.

We tackle oil spills, chemical accidents and environmental emergencies 

We provide all the services associated with leaks of chemicals and other hazardous substances.

  • Contaminated soil remediation
  • Groundwater and surface water treatment
  • Elimination of hazardous waste and toxic substances              
  • Expert risk assessment
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Our response unit team 

  • 36 active members of JPO DEKONTA, a.s. on alert
  • 14 specialists from the EHS division, expert in the fields of chemistry, hydrogeology and fire safety
  • 3 specialists permanently on alert, ready for dispatch within 30 minutes 
  • Climbing team specialized in industrial climbing
  • Members of the Response Unit are regularly trained for work in toxic and irrespirable environment with the danger of explosion. They also train for work at height and in industrial settings.

Expert and physical examinations are part of training.

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Our machinery and equipment

  • off-road intervention vehicles
  • intervention motor boats
  • earth moving machines
  • ADR tankers
  • ADR freight vehicles
  • aerial vehicles
  • pumps for hazardous substances
  • protective equipment for work with toxic substances
  • decontamination machinery and equipment
  • detectors of chemical substances (Raman's spectrometer, URAD, PID)
  • electronic databases of hazardous substances

For the elimination of hazardous waste we use our own network of biodergradation sites across the Czech Republic as well as our machinery for elimination of hazardous liquid wastes in Prague-Letňany.

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We can identify over 10 000 substances

The Raman spectrometer, which we have at our disposal, enables us to identify in-situ a total of over 10 000 organic and anorganic substances, explosives, drugs, plastics and white powders even when they occur in mixtures.

Luděk Sisr

Luděk Sisr

Head of Environmental and Emergency Services Division

Where have we helped

We have already intervened in dozens of emergencies not just in Prague, but all across the Czech Republic - on roads, highways, in factories, on building sites and in other places. Get familiar with some of our cases.

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Employee training

We specialize in prevention of serious environmental accidents. We offer training in the fields of workplace safety, work with hazardous substances and other, based on your specific focus and requests.

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Školení pracovního lezení (2014)

Milestones in our history

20 years of our Fire Department

20 years of our Fire Department

On the 10th of January 2002 the DEKONTA Fire Department was founded following an order from the Czech Fire Rescue Service.

We are a part of TRINS

We are a part of TRINS

Since the 15th of March 2003 we are included in the Transport Information and Emergency System (TRINS in Czech) as a regional center number 27.

We belong to ZBS HMP

We belong to ZBS HMP

Since the 1st of July 2004 we belong under the Integrated Rescue System of the city of Prague (ZBS HMP in Czech).

We have a lincence for handling highly hazardous substances

We have a lincence for handling highly hazardous substances

Since the 1st of July 2014, following a decision of the State Office of Nuclear Safety, we hold licence no. 1/2014 which qualifies us to handle highly hazardous substances as defined by act no. 19/1997 Sb. of the Czech law.

We closed a deal with the Ministry of Interior

We closed a deal with the Ministry of Interior

Based on act no. 239/2000 Sb. about the Integrated Rescue System in the Czech Republic, we closed a cooperation agreement no. PO – 2801/IZS – 2006 with the Ministry of Interior – Chief Headquarters of the FRS CR.


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