- TM05000018 - PerSlowAct - Remedial Technology of Slow-Release/Activated Persulfate for Long Lasting In Situ Chemical Oxidation; TAČR
- SS07010398 - Measurement of radon in soil gas as an indicator of contamination by petroleum substances; TAČR
- SS07020146 - Long-term and reliable production of drinking water using activated carbon considering circular economy approach (SustainGAU); TAČR
- FW10010462 - Membrane contactor technology for the selective recovery of metals from industrial wastewater; TAČR
- TQ04000037 - Commercial potential of recycled materials from used photovoltaic panels; TAČR
- CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000762 – Innovative technology for eliminating ammonia emissions from exhaust air using photochemical oxidation; MPO
- FX05030072_7847 - Automation of the pelletizing line; MPO
- VB02000068 - Protection of the population and emergency response units against emissions from fire of Li-Ion batteries; MV
- VB02000034 - Reducing the health risks of firefighters - means of protecting the body surface against the penetration of combustion products using nanocomposite materials; MV
- TM03000051 - Integrated bio-farming and green infrastructure towards smart and responsible resource management: the Hydrosphere-Pedosphere;
- ENV/BE/000597 - Enabling in situ soil remediation on low-permeability sites through hydraulic/pneumatic fracturing (FRAC-IN); LIFE, EU
- TO01000170 - Nanoremediation of contaminated soils: Technology implementation with respect to ecotoxicological aspects
- FW03010511 - Innovative methods of exploration and remediation of vertically stratified inorganic groundwater contamination – AnReMon
- FW03010071 - Technology for remote monitoring and control of electrokinetically enhanced chemical-biological in situ remediation - EBioChem
- FW03010439 - Extraction of salts and metals from technological streams of waste to energy plants
- CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/21_374/0026809 - Research and development of technology for recycling photovoltaic panels and lithium batteries
- CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004571 - The technology using photochemical oxidation with sorption for the elimination of micropollutants nature of pharmaceutical substances from wastewater; OP PIK, MPO
- CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004703 - The innovative technology for cleaning of contaminated air using a combination of plasmachemical and biological process; OP PIK, MPO