EIA study for Karlovy Vary Airport modernization

Comprehensive environmental assessment of runway extension and prolongation.

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Client: Karlovy Vary Airport, s.r.o.


Country: Czech Republic

Implementation period: 2/2020- 6/2022

Contract value: 30,000 €

More about the project

The primary goal of this project was to develop a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study, evaluating the direct and indirect environmental impacts of the planned extension and prolongation of the main airport runway at Karlovy Vary Airport. This included the preparation of various supporting studies and surveys, such as an air dispersion study, noise study, biological survey, landscape study, and wastewater treatment study.

Through a thorough assessment process, we identified potential environmental risks and proposed mitigation measures to minimize negative impacts. Our findings and action plan supported regulatory compliance, sustainable airport development, and the integration of environmental considerations into project planning.

We provided

  • Dispersion study of air pollutants

  • Noise impact assessment

  • Biological surveys

  • Landscape impact study

  • Design of wastewater treatment solutions

  • Comprehensive assessment of all environmental impacts

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