Construction of Chobot pond

We carried out the construction of a new pond in KaÄŤice.

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Client: Municipality of Kacice
Masarykova 20, 273 04 Kacice


Country: Czech Republic

Implementation period: 8/2019-12/2020

Contract value: 722,830 $

More about the project

The project included the creation of embankments along the LodÄ›nice stream and the installation of functional structures such as an inlet pipe, safety spillway, discharge structure (weir), and a dry channel on the outlet side. 

Additionally, a new shallow water zone with coastal vegetation was created to ensure the biological stability of the pond. The pond was designed and built as a retention reservoir, contributing to the management of water flow in the area and providing ecological and landscape functions.

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We provided

  • Removal of the topsoil layer

  • Excavation work for pond bottom preparation and storage of excavated soil

  • Construction of new earth embankments along the LodÄ›nice stream

  • Installation of inlet pipes

  • Construction of a safety spillway, dry channel, and discharge structure (weir) connected to the LodÄ›nice river

  • Planting of new trees

  • Earthworks for embankment construction

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