Climate change adaptation plan in Uzbekistan

Development of sectoral and regional climate change adaptation plans in Uzbekistan.

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Client: UNDP Uzbekistan
4, Taras Shevchenko str.
Tashkent 100029, Uzbekistan


Country: Uzbekistan

Implementation period:  11/2022 - 12/2023

Completion date: December 2023

Contract value: 280,200 $

More about the project

The project "Development of Sectoral and Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plans in Uzbekistan" is part of the program "Sector-Focused National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to Support Medium- and Long-Term Adaptation Planning in Uzbekistan." Launched in 2020, the program is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Uzbekistan in collaboration with the Uzbekistan Hydrometeorological Service Center.

As the lead company of the consortium, we were responsible for carrying out all necessary steps and measures for the development of four sectoral NAPs (agriculture, water, health, and buildings) and the finalization of the draft NAP for crisis management. Additionally, we developed three regional NAPs in Uzbekistan (the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Bukhara Region, and Khorezm Region).

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All NAPs included comprehensive capacity development for national stakeholders to ensure the progressive development of adaptation planning and the integration of climate change adaptation into national and subnational planning and budgeting processes. They also incorporated gender-sensitive approaches and disaggregated data, along with a monitoring and evaluation mechanism to assess NAP implementation.

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