Cleaning of septic tanks and grease traps

We provide professional inspection, cleaning, replacement of fillings, and other maintenance of septic tanks and grease traps, ensuring their trouble-free operation. We cooperate with companies in the chemical, petrochemical, engineering, and automotive industries, as well as with gas stations.

Muž v helmě odebírající vzorek z půdy

Removal of liquids and sludge

We have all the necessary equipment – sludge from the bottom of tanks is extracted using heavy machinery or removed mechanically and manually, while liquids are pumped out using suitable pumps or suction trucks. The work is carried out using a breathing apparatus or remotely supplied air.

Cleaning and decontamination

We carry out cleaning, degreasing, and blasting of all types of surfaces. The work is performed as needed, either mechanically or manually. We also handle underground tanks, and all tasks are performed even in non-breathable atmospheres using a self-contained breathing apparatus.

Waste transport and disposal

We provide a comprehensive service in accordance with Act No. 541/2020 Coll. of the Czech law. We transport the waste following the ADR regulations, and we dispose of it in an eco-friendly manner at appropriate facilities such as wastewater treatment plants and hazardous waste incinerators. We also take care of complete documentation.

Leakage testing

We conduct leakage tests for tanks, pipelines, and other equipment containing hazardous substances in accordance with Act No. 254/2001 Coll. of the Czech law on Water and relevant ÄŚSN standards. The tests are performed by a professionally qualified person certified in the LT method according to the ISO 9712 regulation.

High-risk work in extreme conditions

We frequently operate in old industrial sites where the installed technologies contain unknown chemical substances in unknown quantities. To identify and safely remove these substances, we access the technologies using non-sparking methods, such as drilling and cutting. We also conduct camera inspections and take samples for chemical analysis.

Tomáš Havlín

Project manager

Services from A to Z

  • contamination surveys and preparatory work
  • disassembly and assembly of mechanical and measurement components
  • decontamination, cleaning, degreasing, and surface blasting
  • condition assessment and leakage testing
  • inspection of Adast systems
  • repairs of concrete, plastic, and steel structures if needed
  • handling of all types of waste and preparation of documentation
Zařízení pro určování míry kontaminace

Technical work in ATEX zones

We perform work even in environments where there is a risk of explosive, toxic, or otherwise hazardous atmospheres.

  • We have the support of the JPO Dekonta unit for activities with increased fire risk.
  • We conduct continuous monitoring of explosiveness and harmful substance levels in the air using gas detectors.
  • We use breathing apparatus, non-sparking hand tools, and other equipment certified for work in Ex zones under ATEX, such as personal and portable lights, pneumatic cutting and drilling tools, and ventilators.
žena píšící na tabletu

Maintenance of various types of tanks

We perform maintenance and inspections in accordance with applicable standards and regulations for various types of tanks and other equipment.

Technological tanks

Tanks that are part of technological and operational systems, used for storing, transporting, or processing raw materials, intermediates, and production products. These may contain chemicals or other substances, including contaminated wastewater.

Containment tanks

Tanks designed to capture leaks and spills of hazardous substances such as fuels, oils, or chemicals in industrial sites, storage facilities, gas stations, and other areas where hazardous materials are handled.

Oil separators

Tanks and grease traps that separate petroleum substances, such as oils and fuels, from water discharged into the sewer system. They are used at gas stations, industrial facilities, and workshops. Regular maintenance, cleaning, and replacement of fillings prevent a loss of separation efficiency due to poor technical condition or clogging of the equipment.

Chosen projects

Would you like more information?

Are you interested in cleaning of septic tanks and grease traps or do you have a question? Fill out a simple form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

You can also reach us on the phone: +420 235 522 252
or via e-mail at

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