Cleaning of large-capacity tank for MERO ČR

Cleaning of a large-capacity oil tank with a volume of 125,000 m³ from residual oil sludge

Client: MERO ČR, a.s.
Veltruská 748, 278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou

Country: Česká republika

Implementation period: 03/2023 - 06/2023

Completion date: červen 2026

Contract value: 10.000.000 Kč

More about the project

The first step in cleaning the tank was the "No man entry" technology by Blabo in cooperation with CLIMBEX.

Holes were drilled into the roof of the tank, where nozzles were placed. Heated oil was used to gradually dissolve and pump out the sludge from the bottom of the tank. This was followed by manual cleaning of residual oil sludge and other impurities using suction excavators. The interior of the tank was then cleaned with high-pressure water, and the entire inner surface of the tank was degreased with technical gasoline. Part of the work was carried out using breathing apparatus with continuous measurement of atmospheric explosiveness.

We provided

  • Cleaning of large-capacity tanks

  • "No man entry" technology

  • Manual cleaning using suction excavators

  • High-pressure water cleaning

  • Degreasing with technical gasoline

  • Work with breathing apparatus

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